CEBMa’s EBM Teachers Network

CEBMa’s EBM Teachers Network

CEBMa’s EBM Teachers Network is the place for everyone who teaches (elements of) evidence-based management. Here we share ideas about learning, insights on best practices, and teaching materials that you can use in your class. In addition, members of the network have access to

  • CEBMa’s online course modules
  • CEBMa's Evidence Based Management Teaching Handbook
  • Repository of EBM cases, exercises and assignments
  • CATs and REAs you can use in your class
  • Copies of syllabi and curricula of other universities
  • EBM Teachers discussion forum
  • Videos, podcasts and presentations

In addition, we frequently organise online discussions and webinars.  

So if you are a teacher, lecturer, or professor: join our lively and knowledgeable community of educators from all over the world and get involved in our shared mission: Changing the world by teaching (future) managers, leaders, consultants and policy-makers how to make better (evidence-based) decisions.

You can join us now by becoming a Teacher Member (we will then contact you)